Wednesday, August 18, 2010

How to Define Your Personal Style

How to Define Your Personal Style

Do you ever notice those people who always seem pulled together and fashionable? They make it look effortless. That's probably because they know exactly what their personal style is, which makes getting dressed in the morning effortless, because they love everything in their wardrobe!

Things You'll Need:

Two large containers (such as plastic trash barrels)


Make a list of people whose style you admire. These can be fictional or real people, celebrities, movie characters, people you know or anyone else you can think of.


Choose from the list those people that you would like to dress like. Find photos and images of those people (as many as possible) and study the individual things that they wear. Make a list of those individual items that you like.


With the list of specific clothing items in hand, go through your wardrobe and pick out all of the pieces that match items on the list. Set these items aside.


With your two large containers, go through the rest of the clothes in your wardrobe. The two containers are for things you want to donate to charity (for example, things that are in good condition but that you never wear), and things to be trashed (items you wouldn't give to charity, such as old socks or things with stains or holes). If you absolutely love an item, set it aside. Try things on if you can't decide which category to put them in.


Try on all of the items in the pile you set aside (the one with items matching those on your list). Anything that doesn't fit or you don't love when you're actually wearing it, put in the charity container.


Once you've finalized what you're keeping, check to see what else on the list you might want to add to your wardrobe.


Go shopping to find new pieces for your wardrobe. Make sure that whenever you shop you keep in mind whether your style role models would wear whatever you're looking at, and make sure that you always try things on. Even if you love something on the rack, you may hate it when it's actually on.

Tips & Warnings

Don't feel bad about eliminating clothes from your wardrobe if you donate them to charity.

Always try clothes on. Sizing isn't standard, even within the same brand, so don't be surprised if you have to go up or down a size from your normal size.

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